By now you must have heard something about fermented foods.  They are making a come back in popularity, with good reason.  Foods that are naturally fermented are a good source of probiotics – the healthy bacteria that aid in overall gut health, digestion, immunity and much more. They also supply the prebiotics (the food to feed the probiotics) . Our grandparents  and great-grandparents consumed fermented foods regularly as they were much more available and common in everyday life.  These included unpasteurized milk, beer, yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles and more. Then came along regular pasteurization and the use of vinegar to pickle, eliminating the naturally occurring probiotics.

Many options are again available to the health conscious consumer that would like to eat their way to great health!  At the Granary we sell a wide variety of ready to eat fermented foods including organic yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha and more.  If you want to take it to the next step, try fermenting your own foods.  Pick up started kits for water and dairy kefir, vegetable fermentation cultures, kombucha scooby’s and more now available at The Granary.

Try one of our favorites – locally made artisan Komb
ucha from our friends at Agape Gardens. For a perfect snack try it with their homemade kale chips!!