Bulk Foods

The Granary carries a growing selection of bulk food for all your needs. In order to supply our customers with the freshest products possible, we order in small batches and we order often. We also refrigerate many items including raw nuts, yeast, extra seeds and more. 

Consider these advantages of buying in bulk

  • Bulk buying contributes to your pocketbook. By not paying for all that individual packaging, labeling and advertising, you’re getting more product for your money.
  • It’s a green way to buy. Statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency show we generate about 80 million tons of waste from packaging and containers every year. In addition to the waste products themselves, the manufacturing of them wastes energy and resources. When you buy in bulk and reuse storage containers, it’s a positive contribution to our planet’s health. We encourage customers to Bring Your Own Container
  • You can often find the product you want in bulk and purchase the exact amount you want. If you have special nutritional needs, you’re likely to find just what you need in the bulk aisle.
  • Many bulk foods are fresher, more natural, and often locally produced.
  • In stores with bulk sections, you can assess for yourself the colour, aroma and texture of the products you’re buying.

We pre-package and price many items for you in an attempt to reduce cross-contamination, keep items fresh and prevent price “surprises” at the cash.  All containers are all recyclable in the local blue bin program. Our bulk food prices are checked regularly to ensure the customer is getting the best possible price for the product.

In order to supply our customers with the freshest products possible, we order in small batches and we order often. We also refrigerate many items including raw nuts, yeast, extra seeds and more.

One of the greatest benefits to ordering often is our ability to bring in special orders weekly. For those who like to buy large quantities or are looking for something specific, just ask our friendly staff and your request will be placed on the next order. The more you buy the more you save!

Check out our selection of quality bulk foods many of which are certified organic.

  • Flours and Grains
  • Dried Fruits
  • Raw & Roasted Nuts and Seeds
  •  Legumes, Beans & Pulses
  • Herbs, Spices & Teas
  • Chocolate Covered Treats
  • Coffee and Tea
  • Local Honey
  • Oils & Vinegars
  • Natual Vanilla


Store Info

Logo of The Granary Bulk & Natural Foods, established in 1978, featuring a stylized grain image above the company name. 107 Bridge Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada K7C 2V4

Phone: 613-257-5986 Email: info@granary.ca

Store Hours

Sunday 10-4
Monday to Wednesday 9-7
Thursday to Friday 9-8
Saturday 9-5

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