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saltwest Last May, while on vacation on Vancouver Island, my family and I  came across a sign for a Salt Factory. We were looking for local farms and places to take the kids and had already been to a lama farm and a bee farm.  A salt factory defiantly sounded unique. Upon arrival at the small facility tucked away near a residential development, we joined a tour already in progress.

This small operation, owned by a husband and wife team, harvest ocean water from the shores of the Juan de Fuca Straight on the southern shore of Vancouver Island.  They truck it to their near by facility and start the process of removing the water from the natural salt. Depending on the end product being produced they use a combination of reverse osmosis, sun dried, boiled and baked. It truly is a labour of love with some products taking over a month to produce.  In their kitchen they infuse the salt with natural flavours, producing delicious and unique combinations on both kitchen and bath salts.  All made right here in Canada with no anti clumping or artificial ingredients.

This truly is my favourite way of coming across new products for the store.  I love meeting the people, seeing the process and finding unique, useful products for my customers. Because of this trip SaltWest products have made their way to Carleton Place Ontario!

[av_button_big label=’Shop for Saltwest Products Here’ description_pos=’below’ link=’manually,http://shop.granary.ca/grocery’ link_target=” icon_select=’yes-left-icon’ icon=’ue859′ font=’entypo-fontello’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ color_hover=’orange’ custom_bg_hover=’#444444′][/av_button_big]