Nelson Naturals Toothpaste



Yes, Nelson Naturals toothpaste comes in jars. It’s not the plastic tube you grew up with, and that’s a good thing. Single-use plastics are filling and contaminating our landfills and oceans, and we all need to make changes. We are conscious that one jar will not save the Earth, but it is a step.

Most people who use conventional toothpastes don’t even realize what they are putting into their bodies. There are a plethora of ingredients in store brand toothpastes that have nothing to do with your oral health, and everything to do with cutting costs. Nelson Natural s toothpaste  leaves out these questionable and toxic ingredients and only uses. clean, food grade ingredients. None of their products contain SLS, fluoride or glycerin, instead Nelson Naturals uses a Liquid Mineral Concentrate that is ionic and desalinated. It contains over 72 different naturally occurring minerals from the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

Nelson Naturals toothpaste is now available in our refillery! Choose from best selling Spearmint or remineralizing Moringa. Staff will be happy to refill your jar so you can keep smiling without the waste!

Nelson Naturals in Bulk

How do I use Nelson Naturals Toothpaste?

Dip. Brush. Smile!

We recommend dipping your brush directly in the jar to apply. Not only is this extremely easy to use but you can actually get it all out. Alternatively, you can use a small spoon to apply to bristles.  Please re-cap the jar after use to prevent the product from drying.

Crush. Brush. Smile!

  1. Place tablet in mouth
  2. Crush with teeth
  3. Experience effervescent fizzing and foaming
  4. Brush normally!


Additional information


Crush& Brush Mint, Charcoal, Citrus Spice, Spearmint, Moringa, Cinnamon