Covid-19 is here and we all must do our part to prevent the spread of this fast moving and potentially dangerous virus. At The Granary that means a few changes and added precautions to ensure your shopping experience remains safe and enjoyable. 
First and foremost we ask that anyone will symptoms of illness stay at home. This includes fever, cough, sore throat, headache and more. Please do not come to the store if you are feeling unwell, we have asked the same of all of the staff. 
  • If you have recently travelled from out of country, we ask that you self quarantine and stay away for at least 14 days following your return to ensure you are not sick.
  • We have taken steps to increase the frequency of our already stringent sanitizing procedures. All commonly touched surfaces including pin pads, door handles, lightswitches, taps and more will be cleaned regularly.
  • Hand sanitizer as well as a hand washing sink are now available to customers along with gloves.
  • It saddens me to do so, but all customer provided refillable food containers are banned until further notice. Please use the bags provided.
  • Bulk scoop bins are only to be accessed by staff who will be washing their hands and wearing gloves prior to accessing bulk bins. Many items currently available in scoop bins will soon be pre-packed. No scoops or utensils will be available to the public. Gravity dispensing bins remain operational and are sanitized frequently.
  • Bulk cleaning products including dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo and more are still available. Customer provided containers will be wiped down with a sanitizing wash before being filled by staff. Please ask for assistance.
  • There will be no in store sampling at this time. All open store testers will be removed and only available upon request. This includes all essential oil testers.
  • All scheduled seminars, workshops and promotional days have been postponed. Refunds will be made available and every effort is being made to reschedule these events. Stay tuned for details.
  • The store tricycle and other communal toys will be put away and unavailable for the time being
  • Staff will be practicing social distancing and attempting to maintain a minimum 1.5 metre distance from customers and each other, we ask that you do the same.

How Can We Help? 

We understand that these are new and trying times that may be causing added stress and anxiety to your already busy life. Ask us how we may be able to help. Two of the areas that the natural health industry really shine in is coping with stress and immune boosters, both of which are very useful right now. Ask our educated staff about what stress coping products may be useful for your family. We can also help keep your immunity in tip top shape in the unfortunate event that you do have to fight off this virus.

Are you elderly or immune compromised? We do have limited availability for at home delivery in the Carleton Place area. If this service would be of benefit to you or your family please contact the store to arrange.

Many of the items we sell in our bulk bins are available to you in bulk sizes and pricing. If you would like to stock up on pantry staples such as oats, rice, flour or more ask us about bulk buying.

If there is any other way we are able to help you get though this time please ask. It is in times of crisis that community will make us stronger.
We are your community health food store.

Stay safe and take care of each other – from a distance!