Nutritional Yeast is a deactivated yeast. It cannot be used to leaven bread or brew beer. Instead it can be used to add a nutritionally packed creamy flavour to your food. It is also referred to by many as “nooch”.
Nutritional Yeast is a strain of yeast known as Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Like all yeasts it is a member of the fungi family. It is typically grown on a sub straight of molasses or cane sugar. The yeast is harvested from the growing medium, washed and dried with heat, which “kills” or deactivates the yeast (stops the growing process).
Nutritional yeast has the benefit of being a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body can not produce. This makes it a huge hit with vegans who are always on the hunt for good plant based protein sources. In addition to protein, nutritional yeast also contains a full complex of B vitamins, including thiamine, folate, B6 and niacin all which help with energy production. It also has the benefit of being low in sodium and fat and its gluten free.
Nutritional Yeast is used as a condiment similar to parmesan cheese by many vegans and non vegans alike. It creates a uniquely cheesy texture and taste. You can add nutritional yeast raw to smoothies or salads, or sprinkle it over popcorn, stir into soup or toss into pasta.
When shopping for Nutritional Yeast at The Granary, look in the fridge! The fridge keeps it staying fresh and flaky for an extended shelf life.